Alba Lucia Neder

Pausetour #5 Wartsteinkante

Der 7er-Riss gibt richtig auf’s Maul! Mit den Ohren geschlackert und es in Millimeterarbeit gerade so onsight geklettert. Erst ganz schön beherzt aufstehen, dann abdrängend, nix zu treten, fiese, rutschige Klemmer. Obwohl er ziemlich trocken war.Beim linken Ausstieg eine Länge mit recht happiger 6er-Stelle, gleich 2x, (das 5+ muss A0 sein…) und dann eine tolle […]

Pausetour #5 Wartsteinkante read more »

VS Heiligkreuzkofel Mittelpfeiler 1.0

I was at a dead end. We were in deep shit. I had majorly underestimated the route, and as always, if you don’t show due respect to the mountain, the mountain kicks your butt.
I had known that during the last two pitches, but I really hadn’t wanted to descend that way. I felt that the safe way out was up. Darkness wasn’t dangerous in itself; I had climbed many routes in the dark. But darkness paired with icy wind and especially with the uncertainty of what was to come felt much different.

He said, “Let’s call them” and I didn’t really put up a fight…

VS Heiligkreuzkofel Mittelpfeiler 1.0 read more »